Thursday, June 18, 2009

good old film!!

So digital has taken over and everyone has a digital camera and therefore everyone is a photographer. What happened to film? Of course, those knowledgeable will know film is definitely not dead but very much alive and lots of people still prefer using film because of the fantastic quality it has. So over the past year we have shot one or two rolls of film and hung on to the film canisters, undeveloped, waiting to one day take a trip to Orms in Cape Town and get them developed.

The images were shot on two different camera's. My wife uses her Holga with medium format film and I have been using a trusty old Canon SLR with a wonderful 50mm 1.8 lens. quite enjoyable having to wind the film on after every shot and not looking at the back of the camera to see how the shot has come out, really something special about that!! Film is great to work with but doesn't offer the quick instant ability of digital.

Anyway, these are a few of the images that we took, we got them scanned and then did a little post production on them in photoshop, not much tho, just a few levels etc.

In a park in New Zealand. Holga, meduium format film.

Lilly-ann in the park

me, taken by Jenna-lea, on strand beach, B/W film.

Jenna-lea, colour slide fim, 1.8 50mm lens

Graham Sayer, colour slide film, 50mm 1.8 lens. the depth
of field you get out of this lens is great!!

Jenna-lea in Satori Pizzeria in Kalk Bay, great place, great
pizza, the light wasnt great inside but the 1.8 lens enabled
this movie set like lighting.

once again, that depth of field I get from this 1.8 lens is
awesome, loving it.

We will definitely be taking more film photo's, so will post
them up the next time we get them developed!!
